
Posts Tagged ‘coko’

Keep It Real…

keep_it_real_1Bored on a Sunday and thinking about what’s “real.” No one keeps it real anymore… They say they do, but they don’t…

Men.. Why do dudes have to lie on they dick? If you didn’t get the ass, just be real and don’t say you smashed it up when you really didn’t… Geez… Pussy is everywhere… If you get in where you fit in keep it to yourself, but don’t tell everyone you fucked the Swedish Bikini Team when you really spent Friday night going home with “Palmala” to watch bang bros. videos…

Women… Don’t play yourselves and pretend to be something you’re not to be cool for a dude. We (men) don’t give a fuck about anything but ourselves. I’m personally a littleĀ  open minded enough to take in some of the bullshit women have to give, but overall don’t pretend to show an interest in what I do when you feel good about me and then shit on everything I do when you don’t feel the same anymore… That’s childish… That ain’t real…

Rappers… If you don’t write your own shit be a little more humble; keep it real and pay homage to who made you who you are…

Producers… Be original and make music that moves, not what was moving last year… Jim Jonsin, Just Blaze, Timbaland, Boi 1da… All keep it funky, why y’all still trying to sound like Dr. Dre still??? Keep it real and do you!

People… If you ain’t strong enough to KEEP IT REAL… KILL YOURSELF & Start over… Cause I did and now I’m personally sick of games, lames and lies… Everything I say I do or plan on doing sooner than later. If you don’t believe me then you don’t really know me…

…:::MOOD MUSIC:::…

D/L: ===> Jon B. ft. Jay-Z & Coco – Keep It Real

“That’s the deal, ma, that’s the deal of the deal/ I keep it real, what, I keep it realer than real, word to my life, Jigga” – Jay-Z

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