
Archive for April 15th, 2010

Close To You…

My mom is one of those people who loves these sappy old 60’s & 70’s “Love” songs. I know she got this in her 500 Greatest Love Songs LP collection, but I first heard it on an episode of The Simpsons when I was a kid and the melody stuck with me & I always had a soft spot in my heart for this record since.

“Close To You” is one of those love songs that’s just undeniably only good when you’re “in love” otherwise it’s pretty corny… I was cracking up on the phone talking to Rell about this jawn and started chopping up the piano at the beginning of the song and putting drums on it like I was gonna make a beat out of it. It turned out to be an epic fail, but it was fun…

I can’t lie this song makes me smile no matter how you slice it up and sequence it because one thing I learned from growing up in a musical household was that the mood was always set by the soundtrack playing behind it. My parents never let the love not emanate from the speakers and I learned so much just watching them smile. It really made me appreciate music soooo much.

It’s crazy to me that throughout the trials, tribulations, from getting rich, to going broke and then getting rich again, I’ve always stayed level when I put on a good song… It sets the mood for   ===> LOVE, PEACE & HAPPINESS… Oh yeah and some good SMOKE always makes things sweeter too… 😉

Man… Time Flies…

“On the day that you were born and the angels got together/ And decided to create a dream come true…”

Download: The Carpenters – Close To You

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